Small things usually put the proverbial "final straw" on the heap.
I possess (too) many sweaters, and yesterday, when I felt a bit moody, I remembered (!) my cozy lovely forget-me-not -blue one. (Honestly: to have to remember(!) a favourite(!) tells it all...)
That was my first irritation:
am I still myself if I'm not able even to remember what I love?
The second irritation:
I could not find it. (And I am an orderly woman. OK - my apartment
is unethically large - but normally I find what I am looking for).
But I didn't.
That made me think:
1) if I cannot find it in
Berlin - Berlin, where I happily spend a part of my life
then it might be in
Amsterdam (it is near Amsterdam, but that doesn't matter here) - Amsterdam, where I happily spend a part of my life
or, if it isn't in Amsterdam,
then it might be in
Bavaria (as you know: I respect the wish for privacy of son and DiL and the triplets (though
they do not care about privacy - they are half a year old now) - Bavaria - where I happily spend a part of my life now.
Seems I lost track.
Seems - though I love it in all three places! -
I lost me (a bit).
The forget-me-not-blue sweater might be just a symbol that LIFE throws at me (Nay: it hides it from me! The cozy lovely thing! My soul-comforter!)
Here you see one (!) result of my deep thinking:
blogland has me back.
The Beatles sing "
I say hello - and you say good-bye" (thought that line always a bit irritating - and prefer the Stones).
And hope you say "
Hello" too!