Britta's Letters from her life divided between city-life in German's capital Berlin and life in a Bavarian village

Friday 9 June 2023

I just have to tell you...


Dear You, 
it was such a beautiful symmetry: 
in number, in age and in the way they sat. 
This afternoon I sat on the sofa and was reading a story to the triplets - one sat on my lap, the others snugged closely at my left and my right. 
And when I lifted my eyes I looked straight on three very young sparrows - sitting on the balustrade of my big Bavarian balcony - watching us intently. 
They hadn't just landed to draw breath while learning to fly - they deliberately stared at us for at least five minutes. 
Both young folks looked highly interested at each other. 

It was an unforgettable moment for us. 

PS: The view from the window above I took at castle Caputh in Brandenburg. I am never quite sure whether you are interested in a more detailed portrayal of historic buildings I visited, or if you think that boring - please give me a hint. 



  1. How can you even ask? I love seeing the buildings you have there. They are beautiful. Isn't it cute the way youngsters no matter what animal family they belong to enjoy being read to.

    1. I am glad to read that, Emma, thank you!
      Yes, reading to children & sparrows is fun - I enjoy it immensely - read tons of books to my son, too - and now meet "old acquaintances".

  2. I am always interested in seeing the buildings you visit. Sometimes I may have visited them myself and your photographs trigger memories for me. I am always happy to read and see anything and everything that you share with us Britta.

    1. Thank you, Rachel! Then I will in the next days tell of the interesting little Schloß Caputh. They restaurated it lovingly and with care.

  3. What a picture you painted, dear Britta. Yes, a perfect symmetry is always worth noting. An enthusiastic Yes! to your innocent question, too; everything you write of is delightful.

    1. Thank you, Pipistrello - it was not fishing for compliments, I am sometimes really not sure whether the subject is interesting for other people than myself.
      And as Rule 7 says: "Don't Dilute Your Presence... with Too Much Presence." (That is very difficult for me).

  4. I would like both; a picture of the symmetry as you are looking at it, and a picture of the symmetry as you saw it at a building you have visited. And your delightful take on each, as the stories you spin are the best.

    1. Thank you, Joanne! I notice or observe a lot, that's true, and love to put it on paper (or blog). Sometimes I do not know how deep I should go so that the subject remains still interesting - and also: how often to write? I adore your diary-style (diary I write in my diary).

  5. How old are your triplets? Are they old enough to realise the magic in seeing triplet sparrows?

    1. Dear Helen, I do not know what happened: I answered - but the comment has vanished, so sorry. They will be four years old in September.

  6. My comment must be in your spam.

  7. Hard to believe the triplets are already four!!! Know they must be a delight to all in your family.
    Love your posts whether about family, fashion, travel, German buildings and countryside, life of we 'silver ladies' etc. Sorry I'm late with comments dear Britta - we were traveling in California and then have been so busy getting the garden organized since our return. These are busy months of the year outside and the weather has been perfect to bring on growth!
    Happy weekend.
    Hugs - Mary

    1. Dear Mary, they are almost four - and I too wonder when I look at photos from a year ago.

      I understand so well that sometimes one cannot comment (when I travel I often can't, and it is not from neglect or disinterest, but sometimes there are technical problems too: I do not take my computer everywhere, because I try to keep my luggage as light as possible... )

      To travel to California - what a wonderful time!

      And I know how much time and work a garden needs - I too had a big one - now even my balcony keeps me (moderately) busy.

      I think that reading blogs should be a delight and not a burden - and as much as I enjoy comments I also understand that often there are more important things to do (and I know of some of my German friends who read and tell me on the phone they liked it - but do not comment here).
      Enjoy your week-end - and your garden!
      (Most often when I just sat down in my garden I saw something that needed to be looked after - I sometimes had to force myself to sit still and just enjoy!)
      Hugs - Britta

  8. Dear Britta,

    Hello. I hope you are enjoying the beginning of summer. 

    It has been frightfully warm here (it is not a common occurrence in this part of the world, and one does find oneself being nudged gently forwards, one step at a time, to sit outside in the garden. 

    The concept of making hay while the sun shines may be at the root of it. I often fell asleep while reading a book and had a peaceful dream in which I woke up in the vanished past - a mature country house garden of Victorian or Edwardian England. 

    It appears that you are also making the most of your time visiting the historic building with the triplets.

    What a coincidence with the three sparrows! Perhaps, they were the messengers to the noble inhabitants. 

    I do appreciate a beautiful symmetry like you. I admire the historic homes where there are spacious acres with mature trees, which are perfectly kept and beautiful architecture, esp. Palladian architecture - so majestic, timeless and perfect. 

    They represent a desirable or ideal way of life (or for those of us who wish we did and yearn for it and long to recreate something similar deep within us). 

    It is not surprising then that such a beautiful surrounding produced an esteemed scientist such as Albert Einstein.

    Caspar David Friedrich painted a lot of "a room with a view" paintings.

    With warmest wishes, ASD

  9. Dear ASD, thank you so much for your comment - by now you will have found my apology (and reason) for answering so late.

    Can you imagine that I quite often experienced a heatwave in England? The very first is so long ago - must have been in the Seventies - when the landladies used the heatwave as an excuse to ration water (shower), and it was forbidden to water the gardens.
    And I still see a whole beach covered in red by lady birds - incredible.

    Interesting how some ideas or words suddenly "pop up" - "Palladian architecture" is one of these. I read it above in your comment - and a week before a friend who had visited Italy, who was rhapsodizing about Veneto, used the same.

    For eight years I lived in Hamburg, and they had a beautiful exhibition about Caspar David Friedrich - and Berlin owns quite a few pictures in the Old National Gallery which I visit often (sometimes just looking at only three pictures - intense - I can go as often as I want). Though I was a bit unhappy of their renovation of one of his famous pictures.

    My very best wishes to you, my dear friend, and heartfelt apologies for answering so late. Britta
