Britta's Letters from her life divided between city-life in German's capital Berlin and life in a Bavarian village

Thursday 10 August 2017

The Quest for Beauty

©Brigitta Huegel
Dear You,

when I took this photograph in the Botanical Garden in Berlin, I was a bit agitated because a guard of the museum had behaved very, very strange. 

Now Beauty is a wonderful device for me to calm down. 
I loved the clear white of the waterlilies. 
Took a few more pictures of them - and only now, at home, I saw, that Beauty was not alone. 

©Brigitta Huegel

Not everybody is endowed with beauty - (though, as we all know, beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder, and maybe the frog here is King of the Pond, and every female frog crazy about him and the deep croaking sound of his ballooned cheeks ) - so the ugly does persue beauty intensely, and tries everything to possess it - look at the waterlily above, up in the left corner! 

©Brigitta Huegel

Well, I walked on, searching for perfection. 

I was not alone: 

©Brigitta Huegel


  1. Perhaps one of them is a frog prince awaiting a kiss from a passing princess!
    The purity of the white lilies are gorgeous and much enhanced by the lovely green frogs decorating their pads.

    1. I love the fairytale "The Frog King or Iron Heinrich" - though as a child I always thought the King too harsh.
      I would not kiss a frog!

  2. What a wonderful surprise. Little things like that make a day special.

    1. Yes, Emma: and it showed me that I have to look precise to notice.

  3. Those frogs are a lovely contrast to the lily pads. But, the toad is special. Did you ask him who he was looking for?

    1. He was very charming and really cunning, Joanne: he dimmed his smoky croaking so that I was forced to bend very near to him...

  4. Thanks for sharing such beautiful pictures and that toad looks
    like his picture is exactly where it belongs.

    1. Dear Munir, I got the impression that he is convinced of that too and og course: it is his habitat.
