Britta's Letters from her life divided between city-life in German's capital Berlin and life in a Bavarian village

Saturday, 7 December 2024

Matt Haig: The Midnight Library


Dear You, 

this is what I read at the moment. 

I love Matt Haig's fascinating idea: to be able to test different lives that would have been the result of not choosing the one option you actually took. 

Consequences of choices that one made - or didn't take. 

Makes me think a lot ... what would have been if... 

On the other hand - to stay content and sane - my motto is: 

"Yesterday is over and the door to tomorrow is still closed. Today is all you (really) have."

Friday, 6 December 2024

That was a close shave!


Dear You, 

saved by the bell!  

To become a little bit more "green",  one thing I decided was to bid adieu to my Nespresso capsules (aluminium) and use an old fashion manual Italian coffee pot instead. 

From Berlin I took one with me. It had an added electric plate beneath, no need to use the stove. It worked fine. 

In Bavaria I thought: might be quicker without that plate, put on the stove. 

It wasn't. Instead lots of fume in my kitchen!  Big clouds of grey fume! and a fire!  

I hadn't seen that underneath this special espresso cooker was a rubber plate. Well: rubber on a hot stove = fume. 

The flames were a hand's breadth high - and a hand's breadth wide. I thought: this might be the first time that I have to use my little fire extinguisher, Uii, uiii, uii. 

But luckily I could extinguish it without that.  I've been very, very lucky. 

And then I was very, very busy - to clean all those stinking sticky particles from the stove. 

Thursday, 5 December 2024

Voyage Cancelled


Dear You, 
Here in Bavaria we have many many storks. 
They go south in late autumn, and return in spring to their old stork's nests. 
So yesterday I was surprised to hear very loud clatter (if that word is right): 
one pair of storks has decided to remain here, sent back their tickets for a ride to Africa and thus thankfully reduced their carbon footprint. 
Though, sitting on the best place of town - the church tower - maybe they only were afraid that if they leave others would squatter their nest? 

Wednesday, 4 December 2024

FELDENKRAIS - I favour it!


Dear You
it might not be the best idea to start writing a post every day at a time when we prepare for the Christmas festivities...
Above you see something I do very diligently: 
almost every day I do my Feldenkrais exercises. I have 4 CDs, (back, legs and feet, neck and face, posture) and each one I choose takes roughly about 1 hour.

I do that because since a year (or more) some little pains nag in my back, or my knee, or my neck. 
And Feldenkrais really, really helps! 

As I don't have much free time at the moment, I gave up the 30 minutes of meditation, because, as I do that at midday on my bed meditation often turned into a "power"nap :-) - and though I set the alarm on my cellphone, I often came back to this world feeling a bit grumpy. 

So I substituted it (at the moment) by the Feldenkrais exercises - and feel fit and glow with satisfaction. 
And my body and soul are happy.  

Monday, 2 December 2024

ORGANIZING (Martha Stewart) and SERENITY (Zen Magic, Shunmyo Masuno)


A big title for this little post.
Always dashing between two antipodes - that's me.
I admire Martha Stewart, and at the same time she unnerves me, as perfection often does.
The Zen-Priest Shunmyo Masuno spreads calm and serenity - though when I imagine how the Zen-monks really live, I shudder.
(I cannot find the English version of his book: I translate the German subtitle to: "How to tidy up and gain a pure heart through/by it"  Tasker: Please help me: through or by?). 

So: I'm muddling through, not by, and pick those pearls of wisdom that appeal to me. Sometimes I will quote a few. 

I have a new plan: 
As an eager diary-writer (hand-written diaries) I will try here to write a different version online. Daily finger exercises. 
If my name were Martha, I would promise: Every day. 
If I were Shunmyo, I would say: Wu Wei
Being Britta, I say: I try to give my best. 

Sunday, 1 December 2024

First Sunday in Advent...


... and a present from Google! 
I can post photos! Hurrah! 
Seems that somewhere I has refused too let Google read all my mails, snoop in all my photos and send me billions of advertisements... How could I?!? 
Now I throw caution to the wind and just write, well knowing what I do. 
It is rule no. 17:
"Flip the Freebie...and Look for the Hidden Price Tag" 
from a wise little book that I will quote when I found author and correct title. I love it! 
You see: my Advent wreath is sophisticated Scandinavian design. 
The twigs I found on a street of the Bavarian wood, and - if you still have very good eyesight - you see 3 little fir cones in the middle of the wreath. 

I wish you a beautiful Sunday! 

Sunday, 17 November 2024

Smoking on trains

 Talking with the triplets (I know it should be "to" but I am on even terms with them) I often discover things from my (very near) past that don't exist anymore and give rise to huge astonishment (to ALL of us). 

Take smoking: 

The children often play "train journey" with me - each of them has grabbed one of my posh little trolleys (two in soft silver pink, one in grey-black -- and the one triplet with a remarkable tendency to luxury and elegance always grabs the stylishly understated grey-black one!), sit on my sofa and present their tickets. 

I am ticket collector and locomotive driver in one person, and - as everywhere in the world staff isn't easy to get - also serve a hot chocolate in the on-board restaurant. 

Well, to come back to the "Once upon a time"- bit: 

I told them that in my youth people smoked in trains. 

I remember that sometimes when one could only get a seat in a smoking compartment after a journey the clothes in my suitcase stank of smoke (some of these compartments were only separated by a curtain, if I remember it right). 

Both, the triplets and I, were very astonished that smoking was allowed in trains, or at breakfast tables in a hotel, or in private households where a guest would politely ask if it is alright to smoke and then didn't even wait for the answer... 

PS: I have a vague feeling that it should be "smoking on trains" - would that be better? 

- Thank you, Tasker - I corrected it from "in" to "on".