Britta's Letters from her life divided between city-life in German's capital Berlin and life in a Bavarian village

Sunday, 1 December 2024

First Sunday in Advent...


... and a present from Google! 
I can post photos! Hurrah! 
Seems that somewhere I has refused too let Google read all my mails, snoop in all my photos and send me billions of advertisements... How could I?!? 
Now I throw caution to the wind and just write, well knowing what I do. 
It is rule no. 17:
"Flip the Freebie...and Look for the Hidden Price Tag" 
from a wise little book that I will quote when I found author and correct title. I love it! 
You see: my Advent wreath is sophisticated Scandinavian design. 
The twigs I found on a street of the Bavarian wood, and - if you still have very good eyesight - you see 3 little fir cones in the middle of the wreath. 

I wish you a beautiful Sunday! 


  1. Your display is beautiful. I am happy to see pictures again. Now if we could get my music back. I copied cassettes and CD's I own so it would be easy for me to listen to them. Then my computer ate them! I am bereft.

    1. Thank you, Mimmylynn! What a disaster that your computer swallowed all your efforts to collect your music! In TV-series we always see that IT-wizards can recollect it - but in real life we seldom find a person to swing the magic wand. Yet I hope you will get the music back!
      Being the visual type it means a lot to me to illustrate my posts, or get inspiration what to write about. .

  2. Happy you sorted the problem with Google. Serene picture.

    1. Thank you, Joanne! At the moment I love serenity - it accompanies winter with its clear lines.

  3. Wahhhh - now I found my picture. Not anonymous anymore...

  4. I am pleased to learn that you are no longer anonymous Britta and that your photos can now be seen. Many other bloggers appear to have suffered similarly too. Love your Scandinavian Advent wreath.

    1. Thank you, Rosemary! I have the wreath since 15 years, most often I use it in Berlin - but as I am now the next weeks in Bavaria, it happily accompanied me.
