Britta's Letters from her life divided between city-life in German's capital Berlin and life in a Bavarian village

Saturday 16 September 2023

Royal Cauldon "Victoria", England. Est.1774


Dear You, 

yesterday I went to the "Graffelmarkt" in Fürth - a flea market which takes place twice a year. "Graffel" is dialect and means: "stuff" - well, actually I try to down-size my "stuff", hahaha... 

But the weather was fine, the little red train is on the rail again (after a month off absence - they try to repair the rail network of the Deutsche Bahn)

In Fürth, hundreds of roaring football fans clogged the way out of the station - "singing" and spurred by beer, beer, beer. I thanked God that I am tall and not shy, thus I managed to part the beer stinking crowd. 

The photo below gives a wrong impression, many visitors came to the market. 

I enjoyed to visit normally private little yards behind the houses. 

When I was tired, I followed intuition, a staircase up to a little place. And there I found something! Not valuable, but soothing the heart :-) 

In Berlin I have - beside my Spode - an (incomplete) vintage coffee service by Royal Cauldon, Victoria - I found it about 20 years ago when I still lived in Hamburg. In Fürth stood a few remains, e.g. a funny butter dish, but in my long life I learned to "think before you buy" (at least most times) and so I "only" bought three egg cups and two porridge bowls. 

They will join their "family" in Berlin soon! 


  1. Very pretty. So is the Royal Cauldon, Victoria.

    1. Thank you - Fürth is a beautiful city, almost undestroyed by the war.

  2. The egg cups and porridge bowls are exquisite.

  3. They are beautiful and in remarkably good condition.

    1. I was surprised too, maybe they weren't used often - and nowadays you have to wash them by hand (golden rim) - so they survived :-)

  4. What a pretty little house! How lucky to find some of your service - although how you let the butter dish slip through your fingers, I couldn't do it! I'm already forecasting it will no doubt haunt you as the "one that got away" :)

    1. Can you imagine, dear Pip, that in that house lives a new friend of mine: I made her acquaintance in the cinema, than we went to a cultural dancing project, and now we meet regularly - so nice to find good people in a new surrounding.
      The butter dish was enormous - come to think of it: you are right..I should have...because now I "see" it: it was meant for a not so small piece of cheese!!!

    2. Oh, a covered cheese dish, I can picture it clearly. I know what they look like and it would be so useful, but 'nuff said for you don't need reminding!

      How nice you have an open entree into the lovely house through knowing the owner! A cultural dancing project? Did you participate? In costume? I hope so!

  5. Replies
    1. No, better not - the "singers" went on the football field (at those temperatures! with so much beer!). The others sat at the borders of the little streets in cafes or gelato-shops.
