Britta's Letters from her life divided between city-life in German's capital Berlin and life in a Bavarian village

Sunday, 31 May 2020

Sports-minded (sort of...)

A bicycle helmet is seldom looking "smart casual" - and being vain the only way to console myself is: A head bandage doesn't look neither very elegant  :-)

Once upon a time, I was biking Then, a long time ago, I stopped. (The reasons are too complicated to explain here).

But you might know the old saying:

                                                When in Rome, do as the Romans do! 

So, when you are visiting the Netherlands, you might be well advised to cycle too - they do it from the day they can stand on their own two feet. They call it "fietsen", and they look adorable doing it - often you see two or three meisjes (their girls) in a group, chatting cheerfully while biking, but also quite old people peddle determinedly against the strong wind.

They have enviable bikeways (not as in Berlin, where we had this year alone - from January 2020 to end of May - 7 dead bikers - which is "better" than in 2000, where there were 89! - but then: in the Corona-month there weren't many cars driving, streets empty - and we haven't even spent half of the year). I might sound a bit gloomy, but I thought of them when I started biking again, the day before yesterday.

But: I am courageous. I rented a bike - and bought a helmet. The bike-brand is called "Gazelle" -

though neither the bike nor I on it looked gazelle-like (me running: yes. Me on a bike yesterday: definitely not. When my late father thought that someone did something ungraceful, he murmured: "Like an ape on a grindstone").

I have to admit: I was afraid! For me the big black, heavy bicycle was not easy to ride or direct. To get up: Phew! To go on: Whew! 
But I didn't give up - I practised (4th gear on a long even road :-)

And: Skill comes with practise. 
                                                       I hope it will...

PS: Have you tried to enliven an old skill lately? Tell me, please, to cheer me up.


  1. Hė Britta was je in Noordwijk? Ik fiets veel, maar niet op een electrische fiets. Te veel redenen om op te noemen waarom ik niet op een electrische fiets ga.

    Your German blogreaders will understand my Dutch probably. Rachel probably also, but in case she does not:
    Hė did you visit Noordwijk in the Netherlands? I do a lot of cycling too, but not on a electric bike. There are to many reasons to tell you why I do not use an electric bike.

  2. Dear Guusje, I do not use an E-bike either.
    You are very attentive, having identified Noordwijk! In the next posts I will write a little bit more about it. We have wonderful weather. How are you in Rügen?

  3. Not in Rügen yet. At the end of the month. Have you got tips for Hamburg(1 afternoon, 1 night and 1 morning). Are there any places we have to see. Staying in the Ibis near the center.

    1. In Hamburg I like Blankenese especially - you can go there with the S-Bahn, but it is not very near to the center - the ride is fine, you see (almost) the mouth of the Elbe.
      But I think maybe you will stay more near to the center, thus: Binnen-Alster, Rathaus, maybe some lunch at "Filet of Soul" at the Deichtorhallen (one can sit outside - but these days may have to do a reservation). I love St. Pauli and the Fishmarket. Hafencity - also near - is impressive with the Elbphilharmonie - and the very old trader houses - but not everybody loves the quite new big houses there. Beautiful: the (free) Botanic Garden (go by S-Bahn) if you are interested in plants, dito "Planten&Blomen" in the middle of the city.
      I am sure you will find nice places to drink a kopje koffie - and will come back to see more of this beautiful city when you have more time.

    2. Thank you so much for the information. I am sure we will enjoy Hamburg very much. We let you know.

  4. First of all you look lovely in your helmet. I have been lazy at which I am quite good. No new or old skills are contemplated.

    1. Thank you, Emma, that is kind about that helmet!
      I think that you have so much to cope with at the moment, that it is fine just to enjoy being a bit lazy!

  5. I did not understand the words so thank you for the translation Guusje. I have not started any new skills or enlivened any old ones Britta. I just like to take life easy and do things I enjoy at my pace. I have started to read fiction again though; I fear fiction because I fear disappointment but so far so good xx

    1. Dear Rachel, I love to hear that you enjoy things at your pace - and reading fiction is wonderful (though I also understand the fear of disappointment - but then: one can always close the book and start another). xx

  6. I have taken up no new skills in recent memory. I do know this: soon you will be well practiced and beautifully accomplished.

    1. Thank you, Joanne - it is a bit easier now, but I still do not feel very safe :-)
      You are very skilled at weaving - I love your work!

  7. Stunningly beautiful! And the bicycle is attractive too. Be careful on that contraption, Britta.

    1. Thank you, Geo.! The bicycle is quite heavy, but that is ok - I took down the bicycle basket (which was in front of me and very handy - now I feel a bit more stability at steering. (For "contraption" I looked up the Webster - very interesting word). I try to be careful (the bike has a slight will of its own).

  8. Do you really have three grandchildren Britta? you look more like a teenager.

    1. Thank you so much, Rosemary - you made my day! :-)
