Dear Geo.,
on your blog "Trainride Of The Enigmas" you wrote about that haunting experience in your garden, "Pumpkin Demon" (scroll down on the right to reach it, 6 days ago) and I am so glad that Norma was able to take a stunning photograph of it.
I asked you if I am allowed to draw that little monster - and here it is:
Pum P. Kin.
You might have heard more of his distant cousin - who lives under the name of Potem P. Kin
- and that says it all...
Over-zealous he added one "P" too much, sometimes writing it out into Pjotr, claiming that his roots clung to noble Russian soil, (his knowledge of Russian aristocracy is ... erm... a bit weak, and only by hearsay) You remember when once he tried his luck as an architect? The customers admired the beautiful fronts of the houses - but entering they were not content, too much fresh air...
His newest projects are different versions for Cindarella's pumpkin coach, digital of course.
So, you see, there is a vast difference to Pump P. Kin, who is a friendly and honest creature.
But it is easier to tell about the bad guys! :-)
Yours truly,