I always liked the motto of Mr. Disraeli: "Never complain, never explain" -
I will take the secod half of it (never was a complainer).
So: think of Agatha Christie's disappearance for a few days (and honestly: what is a month? These days it flashes past like a few days...)
I found a wonderful little sketch in the great book
"Drawing for the Artistically Undiscovered"
by (beloved) Quentin Blake and John Cassidy (Klutz.com)
It is so useful - not only for drawing,
no: for our whole life!
You are allowed to fill this space (and the page this drawing is printed on is four times larger!) with comments on my absence.
I will read them diligently. (Though I cannot decipher them :-)
And then Í will start to write another post. As if nothing has happened. (Though it has. All is well).
Yes, I decided to jump right in. (Otherwise I might never start again).