"The path to cheerfulness is to sit cheerfully and to act and speak as if cheerfulness were already there."
This is one of the rare cases that I found a quote in German, loved it, and looked it up in the works of William James - brother of famous author Henry James.
Believe me or not: I love the German translation even more!
"Um gute Laune zu kriegen, muss man sich vergnügt aufrichten, vergnügt um sich schauen und sich so verhalten, als wäre die gute Laune bereits da."
Re-translated (and please don't be to rigorous with my grammar) it goes like this:
"To get into a good mood, one has to to cheerfully straighten oneself, look around cheerfully and act as if cheerfulness were already there."
(Maybe it is "straighten oneself" contra "to sit"?)
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