Britta's Letters from her life divided between city-life in German's capital Berlin and life in a Bavarian village

Tuesday 13 March 2018

Arthur & Claire

Now I am well again - a little feeble maybe after being sick from undercooling, as the blossom of this magnolia, but underneath I am still "steel".
I lost two kilogram and weigh now 59,4 kg - not so much for my 1.78m.
But one visit to the Netherlands will change that again... :-)

The film "Arthur & Claire", with Josef Hader and Hannah Hoekstra was a very funny, black comedy (nowadays they would call it "bitter-sweet") - two suicidal persons spending a night in Amsterdam.

"Do you always invade in someone else's room? Do you Germans still do that?" cries the young Dutch Hannah outraged, when Arthur enters her hotel room to hinder her to swallow an overdose of lethal pills.
"No idea", he replies, "I am Austrian."
"Even worse", she replies.


When she asks him why he choose the Netherlands and not Switzerland as country for legal assisted suicide, he replies:

"By no means I would die in Switzerland. There you will not even realize that you are dead."

Mmmmh, mmmhhh, mmmh. May be I should eat a cream tart to gain weight and glee. mirth and cheerfulness again?

But honestly: the movie was great!


  1. So far no release date for this film in the UK. I will look out for it. Thanks for the tip.

    1. Dear Rachel, I tried to find out whether they have an English version, but saw none. But I will look further.

  2. One thing about recovering from an illness is that you get to catch up on your reading and movies. Glad you're feeling better.

    1. Yes Emma, I did both - and the cinema was the last step, which I appreciated very much

  3. I am glad to hear you are feeling better Britta. You have lost weight but the good thing there is more space for chocolate, cream and cake! ;)
    Greetings Maria x

    1. Chocolate and cream, Maria - and salty licorice in caramel+chocolate (my newest find, lekker!) - I will soon have regained the one and a half kilo - sooner than I want! xxx Britta

  4. I don't think that the film "Arthur & Claire" is on general release over here, but I will watch out for - I feel that I need a bit of a laugh with all that is happening over here at the moment.
    Good that you are on the mend Britta. I had a terrible cough which began during the winter of 2016 and went on and on for at least 8 months. I began to think that it must be psychological, but I was wrong, one day it left, never returned - touch wood.

    1. I wonder, Rosemary, if they are able to translate the Austrian (though very good pronounced and understandable) dialect. I think it might work - and I think it is one kind of humor that English people appreciate.
      I am sorry to hear about that cough - and glad that it is gone (had one when our son was about ten year old - would not stop for months and months. It cost the body so much energy!)
      So: I believe that if your cough is gone, it is gone - and then spring comes and new power will be yours!

  5. The movie sounds grand; I'll look out for it. Every time I go below 115, I eat cream tarts, too. Works like magic. So glad you are better.

  6. Thank you, Joanne! I am happy that I do like cream tarts (and it is not that much I have to fill up. When I started my job long ago, I had 55 Kilo - that was not enough - and I could - and did - eat whatever I liked. Good Metabolism.

  7. I am going to check that one out. Glad you are on the mend.

  8. Delightful lines from the film, Brigitta. Thanks for the levity. Glad you are regaining wellness. You are an inch taller than my wife and your weight sounds healthy to me. I have had some health problems lately and your positive attitude is a good example to me. Saw my G.P. yesterday and got a prescription that should stabilize me. He is the age of my children --a wonderful generation.

    1. Oh dear Geo., I am so sorry to hear that you had health problems - and I hope your G.P. will help. And yes: we can be proud of our children!
      My weight is very healthy (and my health normally no problem - the freezing cold was just too much). As I sometimes model as a "Silver model" (for chic leather and fur fashion - might show some photos soon) it is very good to be on the slim side.
      (By the way, I found something hilarious in the Dutch language: the have the word "slim" too - but it means "intelligent". :-)

  9. Sorry to hear that you have been under the weather Britta ....... hope that you are now back to 100%. Nice to see a film but it sounded a bit depressing after been poorly !!!! XXXX

    1. Thank you, Jacki - but the film was not depressing (and I shy away from almost every depressing film!) - it was hilarious.
      Yes, I am so well again, that I was now a week again in the Netherlands (and Belgium) - but this time I took KLM - flying is so much easier, shorter, and not much more to pay. XXXX

  10. Good to hear you're doing well. I'll check out that film. My children told me to watch another, Toni Erdmann. My daughter and her husband watched it and started falling about laughing, they tell me, because the central character reminded them of me! I don't know whether I'm pleased or not...

    1. Thank you: I tried to comment on your blog (man on the moon theme) - but could not find where. I loved the quote!
      I have seen "Toni Erdmann" (twice - and it is a very long film) - I found parts of it very funny (but all in all a bit too long). If your children compare you to Toni, that is a compliment: he is a man who knows how to live and does not care what other people think - and has ideas to express his feelings. So: you can be pleased.

  11. Thanks for that! That's two films to watch. Regarding commenting on my blog, under the title of the post it might say "5 COMMENTS". Click on this and the comments section should load.
