Britta's Letters from her life divided between city-life in German's capital Berlin and life in a Bavarian village

Wednesday, 10 February 2016

Orphaned: Rose Aphrodite

See? Evidently I have a problem with two things: writing a short post, and writing more often.
(The second is a form of politeness: I fear that I might bore you stiff).
But you are grown-ups and  know if you want to read or not. So from now on I will scatter little notes between 'real' posts.
Today a rose strayed to me; Rose aphrodite. Sometimes someone in our house, with a balcony but lacking the heart of a gardener, not wanting to feel like a murderer, impatiently maroons a rose (or other plants) in our Hinterhof (a back yard). This one survived winter in a small pot. The photos in the Internet show a glorious rose.
I adopted her, of course, fed her, and dream with her of summer.


  1. I know you can make it bloom, Birgitta!

    1. I hope so! If I am successful, I'll show a photo in summer.

  2. First of all you never bore me. I enjoy your posts both large and small. You are being a good mother to your orphaned rose.

    1. Thank you, Emma! I love roses very much - had a lot of them in my garden - a balcony is a bit tricky for them.

  3. You will be blessed with many blooms in the Summer to repay you for your tender loving care Britta !! A kindness is always repaid. XXXX

    1. We'll see it in June (or later, though looking like an "old" rose she is said to bloom a second time.

  4. Roses are often very dramatic flowers, but Aphrodite Rose seems hardly aware of its own beauty, which makes it even prettier.

    1. They are dramatic - look at the one The Little Prince fell in love with. Though actually they are tough (in natural surroundings - balcony: mmmh, mmmh)
      Modesty in a rose is seldom - let us watch it when (see: not if!) it blooms.

  5. Bored by your posts? I don't need to know those people.
    Rose Aphrodisiac is new to me. I'll go off to look her up.

    1. Thank you, Pondside - that is encouraging.
      I had to look that rose up too (it had a little sticker with its name in the pot, thanks heaven) - it has the bloom of an old rose, but is a new tearose (they say). Can you imagine that I had lots and lots of really old French roses in my garden in Hildesheim? Beautiful, and such an unforgettable scent - that was worth that they only bloomed once a year. Now they are almost all dead - the former tenant of the ground-floor flat, (though a garden-architect!, but depressed), managed to let them go... now there are plants I would change instantly, and maybe our new tenant will see that too.
