Britta's Letters from her life divided between city-life in German's capital Berlin and life in a Bavarian village

Wednesday 26 February 2014

"Supergeil" - from my "Diary of a Best Ager"

Diary of a Best Ager (‘consumer older than 40’

Today I found something enjoyable in the newspaper (very rare today, I have to say – astonishingly I find more and more articles where the journalists use terms like “grandma” when they speak of a completely unknown lady, who – as the added photo shows, is as fit as a fiddle and looks like ‘the new thirty’. (Almost).
But today they write about Friedrich Liechtenstein (a pseudonym – his real name is Hans-Holger Friedrich). He is stunning: he acts in an advertisement for Edeka (a German supermarket chain) – and he uses only a few words: “supergeil” – meaning: “super hot” yeah – you got it: very attractive, very sexy – ‘freakin’ awesome’.
Almost 3 million people clicked on this spot on youtube – and I think I know why: it is funny, it is sexy – imagine: old and sexy! – it is, in one word: “Supergeil!” 


  1. Laughed for the first time at :21, liked the little bump at :52 and then started to laugh through the market sequence. Decided after about 2:00 that mehr supergeil hier is having more fun than me. Must rectify that! :)

    I liked your (Almost.) Britta. (Perfect.)

    Thought of you yesterday as I went for a run. It is not the same running I did ten years ago. But it is running. At every stage, we must consume with unmitigated zeal all that is our portion of superhealth, superbeauty and supersexy. ;)

    (You are 'freakin' awesome,' my dear Taoist.)

    1. Dear Suze,
      I like your reaction to it! The funny thing is: one of the best friends of husband looks exactly like Friedrich - so much, that in another part of Germany - Bavaria - our son mailed to his wife, asking her jokingly if she knew that her husband has a secret second job?
      Running: I love it. And your compliment too, thank you, dear Suze!

  2. Isn't he a stitch! I picked up the link a week or so back. and amused myself a couple of time watching. I cannot locate an age for him, but I bet he's just short of 60. A mere child.

    1. Dear Joanne,
      you have a very good eye for estimating the age: I read that he is a few months short of 60! His vita is interesting - a child from Eastern Germany, he made his puppetshow diploma at the famous Ernst-Busch-Schule, worked as Disco artist, and played Maitre Morphée, and had also a show with poodles and a 50-leg-female-dancer-ballet. So he has learned the trade of charming - but I believe him his joy - it is somehow Lebenslust, and that's so nice to see in the times of so many people blasé.

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