Britta's Letters from her life divided between city-life in German's capital Berlin and life in a Bavarian village

Tuesday 15 January 2013

Desperate times call for desperate measures?

Near our house in Hildesheim we had a Waldorf-Kindergarten. The little children, hand in hand, walked through the park, summer, autumn, winter, spring: always with little caps on their heads. 
When I spoke with a kindergartner, she told me: 
"They wear them to collect their thoughts under their caps.
Since that day we have a family saying if somebody is really absentminded: "You should put your Waldorf-cap on." 
Now I needed one. Had read Tom Stephenson's post, "Through a Glass, Darkly" - and thought: what does it remind me of? It was a bit different - what was it?
The title fascinated singers like the Eurythmics, filmmakers like Ingmar Bergman, authors as Gaardner - and you find not only one title in each category, but lots. 
But I was searching for something else - and you know, maybe, how bothersome it is (dear Georgie of E.F.B. would have called it 'taresome'), when you pick your brain for a name, or a title - it is like an earworm (don't play Rihanna's "Shine bright like a Diamond" for me - I'll go crazy!). 
But I knew it was music. And suddenly I had it. Speeded to husbands recordplayer - yes, he owns one, new - and rummaged through his records - and there it was: 
                                      "THROUGH THE PAST; DARKLY"  

Now I am content. Can put my cap into the wardrobe. Come to think of it: it is freezingly cold outside - I shall keep it. For a day when I feel very self-confident, because even in Berlin you get attention with that hat. Though: Berlin Fashion Week starts in January, and then everything goes. I shall leave it on a hanger, humming "Shine bright like a diamond, shine bright..."
Oops - seems the needle got caught in the record groove...


  1. Hello Britta;
    You do, of course, look absolutely wonderful in your hat. And if, as you suggest in this amusing account of the Waldorf school pupils that wearing a hat will assist memory, then we may well be found wearing ours all day long both inside and out.

  2. Dear Jane and Lance,
    thank you! And my cap might work, when the saying is right: 'A lot helps a lot!'

  3. Fabulous hat! looks so warm. It would never be cold enough here to wear one here unfortunately x

    1. Dear Penny,
      you can be glad when it is always warm! (Though I love winter too - for a few days at least :-)

  4. Now you have me trying to remember where 'Through a glass, darkly' came from - I will have to put my thinking-animal on. X

    1. Dear Tom,
      did it help? If you wear it in London, you might join in one Stones' song from this record: "(S)he comes in (spray can) colours like a rainbow" :-)

  5. The Rolling Stones have a way of sticking in the head and going round ... and round ... and round ...

    1. Dear Suze,
      weren't that the Beach Boys? " I Get Around" / Round round get around / I get around / Yeah / Get around round round I get ..."

  6. I like the cap.. it looks great on you :)


    1. Dear Megha,
      thank you. I loved those Zebra-striped shoes in the outfit on your blog!

  7. I Corinthians 13:12 "For now we see through a glass, darkly, but then face to face; now I know in part, but then shall I know even as also I am known."

    Warm thoughts are sent your way. Love your cap!

    1. Dear Walk2write,
      that is a very impressing quotation from the Bible, thank you!

  8. LOVE the hat! And really do need one in this weather too. It suits you. Also like that album a great deal ..... Minerva x

  9. Dear Minerva,
    thank you. The most interesting reaction I got from Punks in the underground: "Wow! Great!" :-)
    To decide which songs of the Stones' album are best - too difficult for me - love the text of 'I'm just sitting on a fence' (Dandelion) especially.

  10. You look great in that hat. Ignore my post.

  11. Dear Tony,
    thanks! I'll tip my hat over my eyes :-)

  12. Love the hat Britta. Funny that a phrase is similar and you need to find the orginal source. I too have that album. :-)

  13. Dear Janet,
    thanks! There are at least more than 30 titles I found on Wikipedia. I love the Stones!

  14. Firstly, I love your cap! You look really great in it. Ooooh, the Rolling Stones. Still the greatest rock-n-roll band that ever walked and I love all the great songs in the album. I have its 2002 version.

  15. Dear Sapphire,
    thank you! I was so glad to see the Stones once in a concert. Love the mixture of strength and tenderness, especially on this record.
